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Saturday, February 9, 2019

Intonation Meme exercises

On Friday students were showing me a bunch of little meme videos from YouTube.  It made me feel old.  There's a meme from 'super sax guy' that repeats a a few notes over and over....there's a 10 hour video of this on YouTube.  Ugh.  Then they showed me the one with the apple pineapple pen.  Students think it's hilarious.

I started to think we needed our own orchestra memes.  I set out to create little short intonation drills that I will call 'memes.'  Each has words and I'm planning on having students memorize these quick little exercises.  That way in rehearsal, if I need to fix C# for example, I can tell them to play the C# meme and they should know what it sounds like and play it perfectly in tune while saying the words.  My beginners have been working on intonation with low 2's and high 2's and I think this will help a lot. 


  1. This is so cool! I would love to use this! Would you consider releasing it (along with the other string instruments) on TPT? Thanks!

  2. Just wondering where you posted? Would love to use!

    1. It’s at my TPT store. Just search for ‘intonation meme’ and it comes right up.
