At the start of the school year, my focus for beginners is to develop excellent, comfortable bow holds and perfect position. We played by rote for a couple of weeks and have since been learning rhythm and note names. I don't like to drag note-reading out for too long. All they have to do is learn 8 notes and they can play so many tunes!
Students are usually excited to begin understanding music and reading notes. I teach the open strings first. I introduce the staff by comparing it to a highway with lanes and lines to show that notes are drawn (they travel) from left to right across the staff. I then teach students that notes are 'parked' on the staff. Some notes park in a space, and other notes park right on a line. I tell a story about a person driving an expensive BMW who didn't want to get their car scratched, so they parked right on a line. I have found that some students new to note-reading need the explanation that notes can be drawn ON a line. This goes against all kindergarten/grade school coloring rules when they're told over and over to stay in the lines!
Student learn open string notes so quickly - it only takes minutes. I use my dry erase packets equipped with a staff and a dry erase marker. I show each section of the orchestra where their open string D is 'parked' on the staff and tell them to memorize that spot. I tell a story about I time I went to the zoo and couldn't remember where I parked and was wandering the parking lot for 30 minutes before I found my car! I explain that open D will ALWAYS be parked in that spot. We also learn where open A is parked. Next I call out various patterns of D and A and students draw them on the staff. (D, A, D, D), (D, A, A, D), etc. Students race to be the first one to draw the notes and hold up their packets. After a few minutes of this, students are allowed to create their own arrangement of D's and A's on the staff and perform them pizzicato with their stand partners.
My favorite method to get students to memorize notes is to use the foldable flashcards from
I copy a set for each student, but only pass out one string at a time. Students spend 10 minutes in class memorizing the D string notes and passing them off with their stand partners. For flashcard pass-offs, students must say the note name on the flashcard and pluck the correct note on their instruments. I require students do this in 10 seconds or less. After a week or so, we add the A string notes and students must pass off all 8 flashcards in 20 seconds or less. I try to pair up students with piano/note-reading experience with those who are new to note-reading.
Sometimes we may underestimate how much a student can learn at one time. When I was seven, I begged Santa Claus to bring me a recorder for Christmas. I didn't know how to read music and had never tried an instrument before, but Santa delivered me a quality recorder and a book. It was easy to look at the diagrams and understand the notes and fingerings. I immediately wrote in all the note names for the first few pages and was able to play several songs. After that, I got sick of having to look up note names for each note, so I decided to memorize them. It didn't take 10-15 minutes I had memorized the notes and no longer had to write them all in. Allowing students to write note-names in their music hinders and slows their progress. Unless a student has special needs, expect students to memorize the notes!
Every week I have been given my students note-reading assessments to make sure they are on target with note-reading skills. Students must know that you are serious about them learning the notes! I have students play the exercises are far as possible with NO hints written in the music. After that, I allow them to label notes and fingerings to reinforce speed and memorization. Students also complete bellwork exercises each day during tuning to reinforce note-reading. I use my book, 'Be An Amazing Note-Reader,' 'Rhythm Packet,' and 'Rhythm Bellwork.' Here are a few assessments I have used in the last couple week.
Happy note-reading!
Me encantó este post!! Gracias por las ideas, las usare con alumnos de violín y también en la Orquesta de niños que dirijo.
ReplyDeleteIn which book may I find these assessments? I am looking for an A string assessment like this for my students. Thanks!